Sunday, January 7, 2018

South Carolina/Aiken Ward is the dream. Sister F is also the dream. 

We are the only missionaries in the ward, but the Coker Springs ward shares the building and they have 2 sets of Elders so that puts 6 in the building. Then there's a set of Elders in the Barnwell Branch and that makes up our district! 

Last week, our first week here, we did our very best to get to as many members/auxiliary leaders as we possibly could. By Sunday we had received EIGHTEEN REFERRALS. So our plans for the next 7 days are pretty much packed. We feel way incredibly blessed.. It is set up such that members are teaching members how to FIND people for us, the missionaries, to teach. Sister F and I aren't even sure what to do with ourselves. We are just way excited to work with the members and to see MIRACLES happen in Aiken.

Also, it is incredibly beautiful here. So so pretty. I don't really have a lot of pictures from Aiken, but you have Google and I have next week to try again. ;)

We are teaching a lady who had  been living in Savannah when she hit an all-time low and moved up to Aiken. Her uncle is a member of the church in the North Augusta ward and, seeing that she had a soft heart and was looking for change and peace, referred her to the Aiken sisters about 3 months ago. She is seriously incredible. She understands how to repent and change. She is full of gratitude for her Savior, reads the Book of Mormon daily, and usually attends our ward and her uncle's ward so that she can learn and feel the Spirit as much as possible. 

Sister F and I also traveled to Evans, GA this week for interviews with President Grayson. I love any chance that I have to be with President and Sister Grayson. In my interview, President helped me to talk through the ways that the Lord has prepared me, via past areas and companions, to be serving in Aiken as an STL right now. I have felt so much peace since then, and confirmation of the Lord's will and timing. 

On Saturday night we, being the 6 missionaries in the Aiken building, went to a place called Hopeland Gardens. It's basically just.. well, 14 acres of stunning garden. And they dress it all up with Christmas lights so we went and talked to people and looked at the lights and it was awesome.

In Preach My Gospel there is a chapter dedicated to the Book of Mormon. I am sure that I have touched on this point before, but the Book of Mormon answers questions of the soul. In PMG can be found a list of specific questions that missionaires and members of the church may be asked by those around them. 

This week I endeavored to begin reading through those chapters with those specific questions in mind. I started at the top - Is there a God? and studied Alma 22. Hours after my personal study, Sister F and I were looking for some people that used to be investigating the church and met a man in the parking lot. He actually used to attend LDS church, and said that he connects with LDS people better than like.. other people? Anyways, he wasn't interested in us coming back necessarily but said he has a Book of Mormon and also is unsure about if a God exists. Because I had prepared, as guided by the Spirit, earlier that morning, we were able to commit him to read Alma 22. We are following up with him later this week! Way neat.

I hope you all have been able to do #LighttheWorld on the daily! We have loved being able to watch members be involved and serve their friends and neighbors. 

I love these scriptures in Luke 2, "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord...... Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

I hope you have an absolutely wonderful Christmas! Jesus Christ lives. He is the Prince of Peace. Our Redeemer and Friend.

-Sister Gore

When in the south - Go bulldogs??

Merry Christmas!

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