Saturday, January 13, 2018

Dear Everyone,

First and foremost I would like to remind you of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do me a huge solid and send my companion, Sister Fielding, a bday card. You can catch the details in my last blog post. Her birthday is 29 Jan. Thanks so much!!!

It was kind of a crazy week, I spent 24 hours in Martinez on exchanges so that was awesome. It was good to be in GA again. Turns out I missed it! We didn't have a meal appointment with a member that night I was there and also don't know each other at all so we decided to go grab food and sit and talk for our dinner hour. We were headed to a southwestern grill place we both wanted to try. Sister S hasn't been in the area for very long and I obviously don't know it at all. So neither of us is quite sure where the ward boundaries are. Mission rules are to stay within your area boundaries unless you have permission from mission leaders to leave for a specific purpose. We put in the restaurant and headed there and all was well. However, we passed through an intersection about 1.5 miles down the road and both knew that we had left the Martinez Ward area. It was such an uncomfortable feeling. We found the restaurant and pulled over to look at the GPS. Still, neither of us could be sure completely that we were out of our boundaries but the feeling persisted. So we left. It was such a simple experience but it was such a testimony builder for me. God wants us to be obedient. Even when no one else will know. Even when the situation seems harmless. Even when it is less convenient. Even when the thing we are asked to do seems so small and insignificant. As we made our way back into her area the yucky feeling left. I knew that the Holy Ghost had guided our actions and helped us to be obedient. 

L who we met Christmas Day, allowed us to meet with him. We had a lesson in the church building on Saturday. We talked to him about the Book of Mormon, and the restoration of the gospel. The Spirit was so present during his lesson. He really just wants to do what is right for his family. His has so much faith. If he will listen to the Spirit he will be led and guided to the truth. His wife didn't come this time but L said he would go back home and talk with her and that we could meet again in the coming weeks. We are hoping to meet with them in their home soon. Please pray that they will continue to have a softened heart. 

We also had a lesson with B this week. Our lesson was scheduled on Saturday and she actually called us Saturday morning and said, "Listen, I don't think Joseph Smith was a prophet. I don't wanna be a Mormon." We asked if we could still come over and just talk about the Bible and about God's plan for us. She consented. So we went. And didn't talk about the Book of Mormon or any of that. She did a great deal of the talking which was awesome. She has a deep love for the Bible and wants to understand it better. B began to explain to us some of her beliefs and then came to her belief that God the Father, Jesus Chist, and the Holy Ghost are one being. She said, "Is that what you believe?" We read to Acts 7:55-56, where Stephen is filled with the Holy Ghost and sees God and Jesus Christ standing beside each other in heaven. It is one of the clearer passages in the Bible that helps us to understand the correct nature of God. God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are separate and distinct beings. God and Jesus have bodies of flesh and bone, as tangible as man's. The Holy Ghost is a personage of Spirit such that he might dwell in us. These 3 beings, called the Godhead, are united in purpose and doctrince. She read Acts 7 and paused and said, "Well, I guess there's no way to deny that." Later we went back to help set up a bookshelf. Actually, she is limited in her abilities so Sister F and I built the bookshelf while B read through the pamphlet about the restoration again. This time, her heart was softened. She expressed a desire to watch the Restoration video about Joseph Smith's experience. (It's way awesome and you I'm sure the missionaries where you live would love to bring it to you- you can reach them through B also said that she wanted a Book of Mormon, since it helps us to understand the Bible better. After we completed the project, we went downstairs to get a Book of Mormon from our car. We brought it back up and she wrapped it in her arms, saying, "Oh, I will treasure this." I hope to never forget her statement or her gratitude in being given additional knowledge about the Savior of the world. 

This week we also had the opportunity to do service at a senior living center kind of thing. It's kind of like meals on wheels. We just do the putting food together part and also serve the seniors that hang out there. It's good stuff. 

I get to see Sister O this week! Also Sister K, whom she trained, had to go home because she got super sick. She's okay not but.. yeah, anyways pray for her.

Remember who you are and what you stand for.

Sister Gore

Beautiful Akin

Fishing on P-Day

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