After writing last week,we went to the Aviation Museum in Warner Robins with Marissa and saw the fastest plane in the world and it was so fun. We also ate at this sweet place called The Taco Shed. 10/10.
We taught BOM class this week about the vision of the tree of life and I learned so much from the members!! It was such a fun lesson to teach and I was amazed at the insight and Spirit that the members/investigators brought to the class. I'll share one piece with you: 1 Nephi
8:30 says that once the people had made it to the tree they "fell down and partook of the fruit of the tree". I had never before noted the phrase "fell down" as one of importance until it was discussed in class on Tuesday night. It was so amazing to hear how the Spirit taught different people different meanings of the word: humility, worship, overcome with joy, no plans on leaving the tree, etc. What does it mean to you? I thought that someone who fell down at the tree was exhausted. I was reminded of this scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants:
12 For there are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties, and denominations, who are blinded by the subtle craftiness of men, whereby they lie in wait to deceive, and who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it—
13 Therefore, that we should waste and wear out our lives in bringing to light all the hidden things of darkness, wherein we know them; and they are truly manifest from heaven—
14 These should then be attended to with great earnestness
17 Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.
I left the class with a heightened resolve to wear myself out in the service of God and my fellow men.
This week we had an awesome lesson with a couple. I'm not sure if I have talked about them previously but we found them knocking doors. They have 2 young teenagers and want to get back into a church and build their home around Jesus Christ. We taught them the Restoration one day.. I think 2 weeks ago and they asked us to come back and teach it again to all of their family. We taught the 4 of them the Restoration on Saturday night. They are energetic and have righteous desires. Sister O and I are eager to help them progress and grow and realize God's plan for their family.
A has started to receive the new-member lessons. We are continuing to teach Angela's mother and have also started teaching C's niece. This week we had a lesson with A, C, and R in a member's home. It was amazing to be in the member's home and have their testimonies added to mine and Sister O and A. The Spirit was so present and definitely helped us to be able to teach the lesson to 3 sets of needs and use the member family in our teaching. A has been embraced by the ward.
This week I went on exchanges to Macon, GA with a Sister A !! She has been out 16 months and is the sweetest Spirit. It was so easy to be around her - she is genuine. As is prone to happen on exchange days, lots of people cancelled or we had to rearrange the day. But it all worked out. The Lord knew where we were and where his other children were and led us to 3 potential investigators. Also, I had the privilege of going to the mission office!
I walked into the office and it was so clean and organized. There are offices where the senior couples work to manage housing and cars and finances and nursing. I noticed a room at the back of the hallway - the lights were off but the door was open and a large painting of the Savior was visible. I walked to the end of the hall and turned on the light and stood in what I knew to be a sacred place. There was a table surrounded by chairs, Books of Mormon stacked on top. A larger desk was in the back, more paintings of Jesus Christ and Church history. I was blown away by the presence of the Holy Ghost in that room. As I left that room, I became more aware of the Spirit that filled the whole mission office. It was such a blessing for me to experience. God is in this work - He is in the details about who lives where and what to do when a car breaks down and how to help missionaries be healthy and what phones to buy for the mission and sorting the mail. Heavenly Father is concerned about all of it and Elder and Sister Jensen confirmed this to me in some sweet experiences shared that they had had while battling problems in the mission office. Elder Jensen told me one particularly neat experience : He had come across a problem sorting out something with the cars. He couldn't figure it out and had spent a good amount of time studying it out and praying and trying to find a way to make it all work. He called President Grayson, who could spare a minute or two to come to the office and look at it. Elder Jensen and President Grayson found a solution and a way to make everything work. When it had all been made right President Grayson said, "Okay. Now I'll go and see what the Lord wants us to do." Elder Jensen said it had been about a week and President Grayson hadn't gotten back to him yet. I was so amazed by the attitude of President Grayson. I probably would've been content once it had been resolved the first time, sure that that had been made possible by the Spirit. But President Grayson wasn't. He knew that He needed to go the Lord and ask His will again, surely taking the plan to Heavenly Father. Good day.
We had a miracle happen on Sunday this week! A man named M just sort of showed up at church and had been looking for one to join. He asked good questions and stayed for all 3 hours and the members were so kind to him. Sister O and I are going to teach him tonight!
Sister O has started driving which I super love because it turns about being the driver for 4 straight months made me way way way excited to just be a passenger!! And she loves driving so it all works out.
Go forth with faith.
-Sister Gore
Georgia |
Even in Georgia you can fnd Arizona <3 |
Pday at the musem |